I previously showed you the ladies I am transforming to Jazz Age/Art Deco sophisticates. They started as these sad looking harlequins I purchased from eBay:

Then they were changed to these:

And here is one of them turned into a polished Art Deco lady:

Her dress is composed of the material from a dollar store fan with a piece of dollar store ribbon around her hips. The boa is borrowed from an Avon doll, but I also created a white "mink" stole from the white fake fur edging from a dollar store Christmas stocking:

My camera is not that great, but you should be able to see the material and ribbon better in this photo:

If my Art Deco lady turns out to be too big for the scale I finally settle on, I will be creating an Art Deco lady using the same process from one of these dollar store mermaids:

I have been experimenting with making stairs from domino beads purchased from the sale bin at Hobby Lobby:

The beads are taped to a dollar store clear acrylic napkin holder that I will be cutting up for window "glass" and the stair well. I will be filling in the bead holes, and I might make the stairs spiral:

Or use the all white side of the bead to make piano stairs:

(Photo from designscraps.com).
I will be furnishing the house with a combination of furniture I am making and vintage 1930s furniture I either have or will find. The room dividers and bookshelves are inexpensive clear acrylic bobbin cases:

Here is some furniture that I recently purchased off eBay that I will be restoring:

What has inspired me as I move forward with Art Deco radio house?

And Hercule Poirot:

And Jeeves and Wooster:

And many others:

Including these 1920s "people" created in the 1970s for a display of the 1920s Stettheimer dollhouse:

Wishing you only good things, Neen
(I try to give credit to the photographer and/or source of photos I use. I have been collecting photos for use in my Art Deco house for a long time and the names of the photographer or source of many of the photos have been lost, if that information was available. If I used one of your photos, or you know the source, please let me know and I will be happy to give credit where credit is due.)